GA: FBI task force cases in jeopardy

An appeals court decision casts doubt on numerous North Georgia sexual predator convictions and raises further questions about the operations of an undercover FBI task force already under scrutiny for possible impropriety.

On March 14, the Georgia Court of Appeals reversed a computer pornography conviction against ___ ____, who was charged in 2010 based on evidence obtained by the Northwest Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. The court found that police were planting the idea of a crime in ____’s head and that the court didn’t have sufficient evidence to prosecute. Full Article

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Janice, based on my very limited understanding, am I right to conclude this could have repercussions for all such stings, such as chat room stings conducted by police along the lines of “Dateline” cases where the investigators pose as minors interested in older men? If planting the idea of a crime in someone’s head is at issue, it seems to me that pretending to be a minor seeking older men would fit the bill.

Sounds to me like the task force is guilty of conspiracy.

Yes, this could very well cast a lot of doubt on all such stings. Same tactics used in the GA scams are being used in other states, especially FL.

Pissedoffgeorgian… are absolutely correct. In fact these stings are happening all over the country, but mostly in Florida for sure. Law enforcement is using the nature of the charges, public sentiment, and the high conviction rate to justify funding to a problem doesnt exist as they claim. Essentially they are lying to the public about how these men are caught and it is an atrocity. I am so glad this operation was exposed and i dont believe it will be too much longer til others are. The tactics they are using are nothing less than egregious. Florida will be in big trouble

Visit “Florida Scandal” for supporting case law that proves what td777 has stated above. It is ILLEGAL and ENTRAPMENT for law enforcement to induce random men on adult sites by posing as CRIMINALS interested in sex with them. This police activity not only creates the crime and implants the idea but also takes advantage of the legal activity of looking for casual sex online to their advantage which also constitutes inducement. Just like the Acquirre and Grizzle cases from CA and CO, respectively, state, if law enforcement pose as a promiscuous teen looking for illegal sex then THEY WILL induce innocent men to “commit a crime” or, in this case, the mere appearance of it.


When law enforcement is stupid, lazy and weak, they will manufacture crimes and criminals to cover up their shortcomings. I’m one of those “sting” criminals, got the firsthand knowledge. All I can say is beware to anyone who uses the internet as a social tool; use for information and research only my friends. Conspiratorial sounding, but their eyes are everywhere…

well it is nice to see that some people actually see the truth to what is really happening. Changing the court of public opinion is a daunting task due to the fact that law enforcement reports that these men caught are actually soliciting minors online when that is simply not the case. The lies need to be exposed and the truth will be told. Hopefully Georgia is leading the way with their investigation!

If the police are trying to get child molesters Then explain to me how going adults only site accomplishment that goal. I’m fighting a simila. r charge in Fl orida. I was in an adults only .website looking for and adult. nowhere on the profile listed an.age of aminor.
Age wasnr discussed until a meeting was set up. I told the cop I was not interested in sex. I didn’t believe I was speaking to a minor. I went to meet this person at a public restaurant

The new tactic in florida,at least on the east coast is to pretend to be a adult and want to “ageplay” with another adult then meet for fun. Once the chat is steamy they plan the meet and “bust” you. sorry but the statue says believe its a minor not pretend.There are books about ageplay and even adult websites to go on to ageplay.Might as well start arresting people who commit “murder” on call of duty and other video games. Wake Up People!!!!!! the police and state thats trying to cover up and sweep this under the rug is in a world of trouble.